Sacred Heart Sound Healing

What a journey

Jul 31, 2023
Heroine's Journey

Two weeks ago I went to a closing ceremony for a program I have been in for the last 8 months.  The Maiden to Mother Teacher Training that focuses on walking women through Right of Passages within the Maiden & Mother archetypical thresholds of life.

The most amazing part, as I speak more and more of Mother Tongue into my platforms, the more I see men coming forth in curiosity of the archetypical work.  Mother is an energy that lives in us all. If you came from a Mother, you have Mother Energy at the core of your Being. It is the void from which we were all birthed into life. 

The ceremony took place at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico. Original land of the Genízaro People of Abiquiú.  Purchased by Georgia O’Keefe in 1940.  A place where dinosaur bones have been discovered and still rest today.

It’s also said, the Stone Gods live within the Red Rock Canyons protecting the land.  Rumor has it, people stayed away from the land as it was known as El Rancho de los Brujas, the Ranch of the Witches.  

The Dark Feminine Energy of the Witches is very present still, and invites you to leave things on the land that you know must die.  Aspects of yourself you can no longer carry forward in life, leave it on the land. The land of dinosaur bones and rattle snake skins in the desert where things go to die. The land will keep it safe in its burial back to the Mother.  

We all went home a little bit lighter.

I also went home a little heavier with a newly cultivated relationship with the energy of Dark Mother awakened deep in my bones. A new Knowing of a relentless truth that must be spoken.

I buried my white truth on the land.  The white pure innocent truth of my own Maiden.  Burned on a piece of paper and buried in the red dust of the canyon. We were anointed by the “blood and guts of the Mother” with red clay.  Twenty women were welcomed into the lineage of Maiden to Mother Teachers, with a tool belt that acts as a bridge that brings us back into the lineage of Feminine, of the Mother, and of Marion Woodman. 

Marion Woodman was a mythopoetic author, women's movement figure, Jungian analyst (trained at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich, Switzerland), and was one of the most widely read authors on feminine psychology, focusing on psyche and soma. 

This is the rabbit whole I’ll live in for the rest of my life. 

Leadership paradigms are shifting. The world is calling for Mature Feminine Leadership to a society unmothered.  But what is Mature Feminine Leadership admisted the societal lens we are all subject too? 

Well, it’s not Feminine Leadership under the programming of a masculine society that simply perpetuates the patriarchal standards we already live in of colonialism, mass consumerism, and institutionalized structures of power of dominance and greed.

It’s not the over sexualization of women in goddess dresses that vastly contributes to the male lens already in narratives, damaging the vulnerable minds of the youth under the premise of “forever young” and sex-sells marketing campaignes. 

Check out this reel to understand how I interrupt Mature Feminine Leadership from an etymology stance.

“Ma-Ture”: the natural state and thunderous sound of the Mother…

I left the pure, innocent, naive truth of my own Maiden on the land to lay rest with the dinosaur bones at Ghost Ranch. The pretty, polite, pleasing and neat. I took home with me the dark, relentless, unwavering truth of the Feminine needed to shift paradigms.  

I met the Witches of the Ranch as the coven came to me one night and performed seance and spell cast in the most impactful way while I laid rest in my sleep.  Perhaps a dream.. perhaps not. 

I don’t have all the answers to my own question: What does Mature Feminine Leadership look like in modern society today? 

It’s not about having the answers, it’s about cultivating the courage to stay in the question. It’s about cultivating a strong enough container that has the strength to hold the question: What does Mature Feminine Leadership feel like in our bodies today? 

If we spent 5,000 years in the fast pace of the patriarchy, and 195,000 years in the slow drip of the Matriarchy; chances are, the new paradigm shift won’t be going back to either one, rather, the marrying of the two in unity. A Quest for Wholeness in us all.  

Here’s my mission: in order to mature the collective boy psychology that is suppressing the fullest expression of the masculine and the fullest expression of the feminine in us all,  we have to have a strong enough container to hold the question of how to proceed without perpetuating the systems of oppression already in place, and seen as “normal” from the veil of our own psychology. 

If you are a man or woman who is also called by the depth of this material into your own life, let’s dive in.

It’s the Rise back to Tribe. 

Thank you all for coming alongside.