Descent to Wholeness:

A Heroine’s Journey


This book is the journey on my own path towards ascension. My process of individuation through the constructs of the Hero and Heroine’s Journey, and the archetypes I’ve worked to embodied, and navigated 100s of women to open too, in both their shadow and light. As I wrote this, I realized this is not one book, rather the journey of many lives in the span of my first 40 years of life. In these pages I focus on the evolution of Hero’s Journey and what led me to deconstructing it all as I descend back into my body on the rediscovery of self through my Heroine’s Journey.  Women’s psychology would say up to my midlife split. As the underdeveloped intellect of my masculine oriented mind suffocated the grounds of my underdeveloped feminine’s subtle body consciousness. From my Hero’s Journey and the outward expression of life. To my Heroine’s Journey: where I put down DOING the Heroics to BECOME the Heroine in my life. Where undeveloped qualities of my boy-ish masculine are no longer the lead actor in the show. Rather, the developed qualities of my mature Feminine begin to rise, pulling the developed qualities of my mature masculine forward. Where She is the lead actress in the show, and the masculine, her supporting role. As they dance, on a journey to Unity Consciousness where I begin to unravel what mature leadership looks like through Feminine Consciousness, and marry the qualities of the inner masculine and feminine together in a Divine Sacred Union within.

I’ve written this book, not only to teach women how to take a seat at the table of their lives, but also to demonstrate how a person could deconstruct that table and transverse from the security of the known to the mystery of the unknown, time and time again. As the realization settles in that anything outside of ourselves is simply not the answer. The answers live within. Joseph Campbell states, “The cave you are scared to enter holds the answers that you seek.” Jungian Analyst Marion Woodman elaborates, “It’s your body. The cave is your body,” and only the body holds the answers that you seek. An innate wisdom already mapped within the strands of your DNA. It’s a bit of a cosmic joke and paradox to think that only as you unravel the threads of your psyche does the intelligence built into the threads of your DNA, or your divine mission, speak through.

This is my journey from the head to the heart—the longest journey any of us will ever take in life. The masculine shines in the mind, but feminine thrives in the spaciousness: of metaphor, of the void, in the unknown crevices where miracles occur. Birthed from, and through, the body. A somatic intelligence and body consciousness alive for those willing to listen. 


The Heroine's Journey Book Launch

My calling has found me and if you believe in my purpose, any donation helps. Your money goes directly to implementing the systems to find the stages that will impact great change not only in my life but like a great ripple, in the lives of many others as well.

Together, let's get this book published, stages booked, and the nonprofit for teenage mothers started!

Melanie Joy

Support Melanie on gofundme

Meet the Author

Melanie breathes a fiery breath of perspective into the stages of the archetypal story of a Woman's life through the journey of her own memoirs.  From the external expression of a patriarchal society to the internal journey into the cave of her body; Descent to Wholeness is a remembering back into the intuitive wisdom of the body as Melanie Joy learns how to stand in her unwavering truth.  

As a young single mom, from battles with addiction, pushing through college, and a career in Corporate America, we are eloquently led through the richness of Maureen Murdock’s 1990 as depicted in The Heroine’s Journey through her own Quest for Wholeness

Melanie Joy Speaks through a compilation of journal entries written over time that walks us through a glimpse of love through her letters with life. A story through rejection of the  feminine, identification with the masculine, and an urgent yearning to reconnect with her Inner Mother, the Earth as Mother, and the Great Cosmic Mother as she aims to lessen the dissonance of the triple mother wound in society today. 

After saying no to living in the masculine any longer, Melanie is brought back into her Feminine power as she shares her vulnerable truth through various healing modalities such as somatic body experiences and transformational plant medicines.

Her determination to rise above her own circumstances is layered with knowledge of philosophies including Inner child & Shadow Work, Subtle Body & Chakra Systems, Balancing Masculine/Feminine Attributes, Jungian Archetypes, Ancient Eastern Mythology, Anatomy of Energy, and finally: co-creation from a place of wholeness and abundance.

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