One-on-One Coaching 

 Rights of Passage - Sound Healing - Breathwork -Integration

FREE 15-Minute Introduction

A Somatic Experience

"Working with Melanie is like a explosion into Truth; a remembering of the innate wisdom within my own body's consciousness." - client

The Somatic Experience is recommended as the foundation for our work together. On this journey to "embodiment", we must first reconnect & activate "in body" clearing our the debris and blocks between you and your authentic expression in life.   

Together we explore guided meditations, breathwork, sound, mantra, and the archetypal journey of a woman s life.   

Are you ready to root into your body's unwavering Truth?

**this is recommended to be an 12-week journey with bi-weekly calls. Book an introduction call, single session, or the full 12-week package through the links below**

Book a session

The Somatic Experience is the primer to deepen your experience & relationship with the inner landscape of the Soma…

 ► Intention Setting
This discussion is developed to ask strategic self inquiry questions that guide us to the depths of your intention. It is a process of self reflection through questions that have been cultivated in a progressive flow to explore why you arrived at this course and what you hope to receive more of in your life resulting from it.

 Somatic Release Breathwork™️

Your nervous system is the electrical network of your being. Over time, unresolved trauma, or chronic stress causes dysregulation of this network. When dysregulated, difficulties in your personal or professional life will arise. When you heal trauma and stress, you heal the electrical network of your nervous system. When you heal the nervous system, you heal the emotional self so your authentic self can emerge.

This 90 minute Somatic Release Breathwork session is an embodiment experience. It takes you out of your thinking mind and into your body’s electrical network. It lets you release unneeded energy within this network caused by repeating thoughts, feelings, and old narratives by discharging it out through your body through a cathartic emotional release. 

Guided Meditations

This is a series of meditations aimed at exploring Jungian Archetypes within the psyche. These journeys into the depth of the psyche to discover specific Archetypes within.  This work excavates and rebuilds the ancient bridges held in Rights of Passages to initiate from a place of reaching and becoming into a time of rooting and Being.  

This work is the bridge back to our internal power of the seasonal changes and what it means to create through our own organic cycles of life. These meditations provide a sense of wisdom around what it means to have radical accountability and sovereignty when holding the container of our own healing, as we step into our fullest expression and stand in our unwavering truth.

► Holographic Sound Healing - In Person ONLY

Our bones, blood, organs, emotional and etheric bodies have a set of tones representing perfect health, which resonates to a sound in conjunction with perfect health. Alignment with this perfect vibration is what we aim to realign in our sessions with Holographic Sound Healing. Through the combination of the Crystal Quartz Singing Bowls, the channeled sounds of the voice, and the ancient energetic language of Sanskrit Mantra we work to remove energy blocks and clear the circulatory system of debris that keeps us from our true authentic selves. 

It is the sound of our souls that created the vibration that cast us into perfect union with the womb, and it is the drum that our heart continues to beat too. During this 60 minute session we spring our bodies back to our original state of harmony by utilizing the sound to perform multidimensional clearing of the subtle body system.

Sanskrit Mantra Assignment & Discipline - as requested ONLY

Mantra is an energetic language, who’s literal translation means to “set free from the mind.” It can be chanted alongside any spiritual or meditative practice, drawing in energy from the “near surround”. Mantra is the world’s oldest energetic language that assists in enhancing abundance & personal power, healing physical & emotional states, and removing obstacles in life.

In this program, you will receive a dedicated Mantra Practice that will assist in opening the portal of your Intention within your everyday life.

“The practice of Mantra kneads the flesh of the body with sounds.”
– Sufi Master Vilayat Inayat Khan 


Ready for In-Person Work?

Let's personalize a retreat for yourself and/or a group in the heart of the sacred land of Sedona, AZ. 

In-Person Experience

The Somatic Experience,

A Rite of Passage 


These 12 week 1:1 sessions are an interactive series with me as your personal Guide, including worksheets and journal prompts that promote further inquiry into your Dharmic path.

THIS MATERIAL WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE as we dive into your specific path. Grounding down the mystical aspects of conscious femininity while opening to the body's innate wisdom within.  

Are you embarking on a Rite of Passage? 

“a Rite of Passage is a ritual, event, or experience that marks a major milestone or change in a person's life.

  • Are you looking to make an empowered change in your life?
  • Are you stressed, depressed, or facing anxiety and don’t know why?
  • Have you lost a parent, child, or loved one to death and in the face of grief? 
  • Are you facing a breakup, divorce, or the dissolution of relationships?
  • Are you embarking on a career change or geographical move?
  • Have you heard the internal calling for external change in your life? 
  • Are you tired of reacting to life from a place of scarcity, lack, and fear? 
YOU are in a Rite of Passage.  

Rites of Passage are an initiation & invitation into your process of individuation. Together we will heal timelines, deprogram, & understand how to bring mature feminine leadership skills to yourself, your business, the relationships around you, and the world. 

Together we will explore:

►Earth as Religion & Matriarchal Societies 

Roadmap to Masculine & Feminine Attributes

Aspects of Divine Creation

► Jungian Archetypes & making your life's personal myth 

► The 4 Primary Archetypes

► The Drama Triangle 

The Adversary Voice

Inner Child & Shadow Work 

►Coming into bloom from Maiden to Mother Archetypes 

Transformation Energy

► Sacred Rage, Grief Practices, and Forgiveness  


Have any questions? 

Book a Session with Melanie Joy