Client Testimonials

Listen to what these women are saying after working with

"Melanie is an incredible heart centered guide, leading from experience that echoes with wisdom in the way that she holds circle for women. I feel both secure, energised and warm in any engagement with her. The course itself has helped me on my journey to activating my authenticity and magnetism from diving to the depths of the feminine with poignant and raw inquiry."

- Farrah

"This 12-week journey was comprehensive, unique, and mind-blowing. I now understand myself, my history, and behaviors, from a big picture perspective. I learned invaluable skills that have enabled me to practice self-care daily and to flourish into a more empowered, compassionate, and true version of myself."

"Melanie is a very gifted and talented goddess who is full of so much love and wisdom that is easy for her to share with others. She is like a breath of fresh air. She makes you feel safe, and comfortable to be seen in the fullness of your expression as you learn and process these deep ideas. Her ability to hold a safe and sacred space is the catalyst to the healing that is possible through soul sister connection. I am forever grateful to have been able to learn from this powerhouse of a goddess."

"Through the Heroines Journey, I was introduced to new concepts of self-understanding & revisited some I was familiar with at a new profound level of depth & richness that I will be revisiting for years to come. It’s one of the few courses I’ve taken that I’m excited to retake for a greater opportunity to absorb the wisdom. Melanie's intuitive guidance & eclectic expertise create a master class-level learning container. Melanie's ability to weave the poetry of existence into tangible frame works & personal insights is unlike any other. I recommend this journey to women of all ages and backgrounds prepared to delve into expansive contemplation. The Heroines Journey invited me to reknow the HerStory of All & Self both intellectually & somatically. 13/10 recommend!”

- Nici

“This course is filled with super powerful information that is so beautiful and so needed in this time. A portal was opened was for me through the parallel path of my own graduate degree. Through the information in this course I was able to shift my awareness and embrace my femininity to recognize it as a source of my own divine power. Over the last few years, watching Melanie transition from her own masculine lifestyle of the corporate world through the embodiment of this material has been empowering to watch. Melanie is able to hold space in a beautiful, profound, and nurturing way. She is meant for this work. She is a beautiful powerful goddess who is truly meant to be in this space of the divine feminine rising.”

- Jinica


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